Friday, June 29, 2018

What makes water so important and Story on (importance) of water

Health care coverage

We all need water to live. The Question is What makes water so important and Story on importance of water. Plants need water, animals need water. Water is one of our basic needs. Water is an important part of our food. We all need water to keep us clean. We need drinking water.
What makes water so
important and Story on
importance of water
We need water to wash our vehicles. We need water for washing fruits and vegetables before cooking and eating them. We need water for washing our cloths and washing our animals. We need water for planting plants and trees. We need water for shaving and bathing. We need water to wash our hands feet before entering our house. We need water for irrigation. We need water for travel - for example steamers, boats, and ships sail in water. Our industry and factories need water for various industrial processes. Water is needed to produce electricity. Water plays a very important part in our religious ceremonies such as weddings and 'havans'. Several revers are worshiped in some religions such as the river Ganga, which is worshiped by Hindus.
                   Water is Humanities basic need. Water effects everything Education, Health, poverty, women and children. Without water survival is impossible. The farmers can no longer tend to there crops. Life stuck and animals become extinct. Food shortage is breakout and poverty becomes rife. Water is precious, yet finite resource  essential for life, with no adequate quality and in sufficient quantity is one of the major changes facing. Today's socity creating. Now, we are going to discuss abut,What makes water so important and Story on importance of water. Health care coverage.
                    Without water our body will not function properly. Water is an precious thing on earth. The second name fo water is life. Water is a life giver - even a life creator. It lies at the basis of our understanding of how life works. It also lies at the basis of how we understand our own personal lives. Of the four (or five) basic building blocks of life, water is the only one with a visible cycle, which we call the hydrologic cycle. Fire has no cycle that we can see, neither do earth or air. And we don't understand spirit (the ether) enough to know if it does or not. Water is a constant reminder that life repeats.
What makes water so
 important and Story on
 importance of water
It is most important that the water which people drink and use for other purposes is clean water. This means that the water must be free of germs and chemicals and be clear (not cloudy).
All of life, as we know it, cycles and recycles. From physical life to death and the breakdown of the body, to re-entry into Spirit. Then to the thought of life in a new body, to actual birth and living a new life through to death again - and on and on. Our own creations also follow the cycle of life: From the birth of a product through its use to its death, then its breakdown into physical components, then new ideas for new creations and the reuse of components in new products.

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Water that is safe for drinking is called potable water.
Disease-causing germs and chemicals can find their way into water supplies. When this happens the water becomes polluted or contaminated and when people drink it or come in contact with it in other ways they can become very sick.

Water that is not safe to drink is said to be non-potable.
Throughout history there have been many occasions when hundreds of thousands of people have died because disease-causing germs have been spread through a community by a polluted water supply. One of the reasons this happens less frequently now is that people in many countries make sure drinking water supplies are potable. Water supplies are routinely checked for germs and chemicals which can pollute water. If the water is not safe to drink it is treated. All the action taken to make sure that drinking water is potable is called water treatment.
There are many ways in which we can collect water. The main sources are discussed below.

Surface water
This is water which falls to the ground as rain or hail. This water is collected from a special area called a catchment. The catchment feeds water into a holding area via rivers, streams and creeks. The water is then stored in a natural or artificial (manmade) barrier called a dam or reservoir. Dams are usually placed at the lower end of a valley. Catchment areas are usually far away from towns or cities to lessen the chance of the water being polluted. There are laws which control human activities, such as farming and recreation in catchment areas and on dams to make sure that water supplies are kept potable.

These are found where underground water flows out of the ground naturally without the use of bores, wells or pumps.
Springs often occur towards the bottom of a hill or on sloping ground.

Rivers or lakes
Tone of community water supplies are sometimes drown directly from rivers or lakes.
Rock catchment areas and rockholes
Sometimes large rocky outcrops contain low areas in which water is trapped. These low areas make good natural dams. Often a wall can be built to increase the amount of trapped water.

Excavated dams
Excavated dams are made by scooping out soil to make a large shallow hole. These dams are sometimes placed at the bottom of a slope to aid water collection. However, this can only be done in areas where the soil will not allow the water to drain away very easily through the ground. For example, in clay soils.

Soils which do not allow water to drain away are called impervious.
If a community wants a dam in an area where the soil is not impervious this can still be done by digging the hole and lining it with clay or an impervious liner, such as concrete or heavy plastic. Excavated dams are often used by farmers to supply water to stock.

Rainwater tanks
The rainwater which falls on the roofs of houses is often collected using roof guttering leading through a pipe to a storage tank.

*What makes water so important and Story on importance of water. There are 16 Reasons of it.

1. It helps create saliva
2. It regulates your body temperature
3. It protects your tissues, spinal cord, and joints
4. It helps maximize physical performance
5. It aids in digestion
6. It helps excrete waste through perspiration, urination, and defecation
7. It helps prevent constipation
8. It prevents overall dehydration
9. It helps keep skin bright
10. It helps improve mood
11. It aids in cognitive function
12. It helps boost energy
13. It helps with nutrient absorption
14. It helps you lose weight
15. It improves blood oxygen circulation
16. It helps help fight off illness

According to the National Academies:
Men should drink about 15.5 cups of water (125 ounces) each day.
And Women should drink about 11.5 cups (91 ounces) each day.
What makes water so important and Story on importance of water
For more details about this you can visit wikipedia.
You can also visit This site.

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